Thursday, May 9, 2013
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Powershell script to delete content type in all site collections
We had a requirement of deleting one of the content type in all the site collections under a Web Application.
Below is the script where inputs have been provided in csv file
cd /d %~dp0
@echo off
powershell.exe -noexit .\PSDeleteContentType.ps1 .\DeleteContentType.csv
WebAppUrl, ContentType
https://webappurl/, content type name
#/* Script Name : PSDeleteContentType
# * Purpose : Used to delete the content type from the web application
#-----Input parameters to the script
#------To check if Sharepoint cmdlets are registered are registered
if ((Get-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.SharePoint. Powershell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null )
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint. Powershell
#----------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------
#----------------------------- ------------Start Logging----------------------- ----------------------
$filepath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand. Definition
$directorypath = [System.IO.Path]:: GetDirectoryName($filepath)
$LogTime = Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM-dd_h-mm
$LogFile = $directorypath + "\DeleteContentType_Log_$ LogTime.txt"
Start-Transcript -Path $LogFile -Force
#----------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------
#----------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------
# Function to delete the content type
function DeleteContentType($webAppUrl, $contentType)
$wa = Get-SPWebApplication $webAppUrl
if($wa -ne $null)
$allSites = $wa | Get-SPSite -Limit all
foreach($spsite in $allSites)
Write-Host 'Not a valid Web application url...'
#----------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------
#----------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------
#loop through a csv file
Import-Csv $inputFile | ForEach{
$webAppUrl = $_.WebAppUrl
$contentType = $_.ContentType
write-host "Delete the Content Type $contentType from $webAppUrl..."
DeleteContentType $webAppUrl $contentType
write-host "Completed..."
write-host "Completed with errors..."
Write-Output $_
#----------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------
#----------------------------- ------------End Logging----------------------- ------------------------
#----------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------
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